In Copenhagen Airport, Denmark – On our way to speak at the international IT-testers conference ConTEST NYC 2018, at Times Square, Manhattan.

We are both really exited and proud to have been choosen to be a part of this great event – side by side with experts from, Brazil, Poland, USA, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and Holland.

We will be bringing our thoughts on testing and management in a both practic, psykoanalytic and philosofical perspective.

  1. Our Masterclass Maximazing testing outcomes is a part of the pre-conference tutorials on Wedensday (09:00 – 17:00), where the really knowledge-hungry appear – a day before the actual conference.
  2. On the first conference day (Thursday) we will have a short break out session, where all conference guests are invited to a follow up on the prior Masterclass. Here we will be investigating the subconsious reflections from the Masterclass.
  3. Also on Tursday, Anders will have another breakout: Cynefin in action  – Sencemaking experienses in testing and automation.
  4. Finaly, we have been asked to summon up the conference on Friday  – Here we will invite you all to paticipate in helping each other making your new knowleges become alive back in your respektive organizations.

Just can´t wait to see you all – jetlagged or not =;o)








Anders Dinsen and Ole S. Rasmussen.